Man @ Work

Gepostet von Unknown | 7:43 AM | 0 Kommentare »

Today I started work. Just a little studentjob. So nothing special. It's about optimizing an online shop for google and optimizing it's adwords-account...sounded nice at first. but: one of the first things the guy i talked to said was: "well, i want somehow to be on top of the google adwords"...yeah mate. nothing easier than that ;-)

second thing: adwords. well. didn't knew it that well before. now i'm reading and reading and reading a lot...and i can't see an end coming...that's gonna be interessting .. (and let's see when I get the permission to optimize the website - - since it's not looking that professional)

but anyways...what i wanted to say is that it's still interessting to see that there a lot of people out there who do not have a clue how to handle online tasks, even if they own an online shop. pretty strange and a little scary..

but right now i'm looking forward to it. think i'll learn a lot. at least i hope so. so lets get it, i'm coming after you!

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